Regression group hypnosis…beware

  I am  not going to talk badly about anyone. Each professional has their beliefs and reasons why they do certain things.  I would just like to offer a little warning. I have been seeing a lot of past life regression groups being advertised lately.  Some are being offered by hypnotherapists, others by spiritual people.  Each time I see them advertised, I feel worried. Regression can be a very amazing, helpful tool.  Throughout our life (and some believe past lives), we get imprinted by different experiences.  These imprints can be good- such as doing a great job in a school …

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Seventeen Years Later

Seventeen years ago, I graduated high school. I really didn’t know what I wanted to do. I liked TV/radio but I felt a calling toward Psychology.  Psychology required too much additional school. I was ready to be DONE!  I decided on community college, mostly because of a BOY. That decision started a chain reaction that would have every effect on my life.  Life happened and two years later, I was marrying a different boy and becoming a mom.  School got put aside. I wanted to get a degree. My ex husband had this way of claiming to encourage me and …

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It’s like we are speaking two different languages!

We have all had this experience with at least one person in our life, no matter how many times we try to get through to them (or perhaps they try to get through to us), we can’t seem to understand each other.  It really feels like we are speaking two different languages.  Guess what? It might be because you are! Now, of course your words sound like the are the same language. Perhaps you were both born and raised in the same place. How are you speaking different languages? I am referring to the language of your mind, the language …

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I have been a strong advocate for natural and informed childbirth for a while.  It started with having my first child at the age of 21.  I wanted a natural birth experience but I was very uneducated.  I went to a Lamaze class, but I don’t really think I learned anything that was overly useful.  Each pregnancy, I learned more and had more natural births ending with my wonderful home birth.  I had heard about hypnobirthing but I really had no idea what that meant.  Now, I wish I had learned more about it and taken a course at the …

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Failure is not an option

I was at Target and found a bunch of Star Wars signs for 10 cents each! I had to stock upon them, figuring they would be great with upcoming birthday gifts. I found this sign and knew I wanted it for my computer room. A couple of days later, I came across a  free screening of a new movie called The Abundance Factor. I honestly don’t get any sort of kick back from it but if you have time, I highly suggest watching it. It is free for only a few days. ( The movie says a lot of things …

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Hypnosis for happiness is in the news!

A kind of skeptical friend of mine shared this with me yesterday. I told her I have been thinking about doing a happiness workshop for a while. She then asked me if I had statistics to show that hypnosis works for happiness. I did a quick google search and I can find statistics on weight loss and smoking cessation hypnosis for other statistics are harder to find. I can probably look hard and find hypnotherapists who have been in practice for years and who keep track of success rates. I am sure I can find articles and studies showing how …

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Mental Health

I just read an article that said mental health is everything! Yes, it really is. Without good mental health your physical health, your relationships, your job, everything can be effected.  So, what is it and how do you get it? For years, many people would seek the help of a therapist.  Years ago this was a bit of a taboo practice, then it became trendy and then  the norm.  So why are so many people still struggling with mental health? The problem is, seeing a therapist is not a fix all for everyone.  Therapists can be amazing for a lot …

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Weight Loss for the New Year!

Hypnosis for weight loss! It is a very common use and can be very effective.  However, there are some things you need to know first. Hypnosis is never a magic fix. You can’t come in for a session and then walk out 10 pounds lighter…sorry, if I could do that I would be a millionaire! Also, there are some things that work for some people but not for others. Hypnosis can basically help everyone lose weight  but exactly HOW is what you need to think about. On a hypnotherapists page on a social media site, I saw someone post once …

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Quit smoking in 2016! A little reality first….

The holidays are here and New Year’s resolutions are being made. Are you making a resolution to quit smoking? You CAN do it, but it will be hard and you need to be prepared before you start any program. When I first talk to people about hypnosis, one of the things that comes up is smoking.  Hypnosis is often thought of as a great way to quit smoking, and it is, BUT….  I am often reluctant to discuss hypnosis for smoking cessation because it is a lot more complex than just coming in, being hypnotized and getting “cured”.  Hypnosis has …

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I just returned from the NGH convention where I had the opportunity to study how to become a Hypnocoach. I will be certified very soon and will be able to offer this amazing service to my clients. Many of you are probably wondering, what is a Hypnocoach? Good question! Hypnocoaching takes the best of both worlds- life coaching and hypnotherapy. That sounds great….but what does that mean? Let’s break it down even more. Life coaching is a method of helping you live the best life you can.  Unlike Psychotherapy, which usually focuses more on the past, life coaching looks and the …

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