Seventeen Years Later

Seventeen years ago, I graduated high school. I really didn’t know what I wanted to do. I liked TV/radio but I felt a calling toward Psychology.  Psychology required too much additional school. I was ready to be DONE!  I decided on community college, mostly because of a BOY. That decision started a chain reaction that would have every effect on my life.  Life happened and two years later, I was marrying a different boy and becoming a mom.  School got put aside. I wanted to get a degree. My ex husband had this way of claiming to encourage me and then get mad at me for things. I figured I would go back to school when I was really old, and at that point I would get it as kind of a bucket list type thing.

As my divorce grew near, I began going back to school…for nursing.  I have the utmost respect for nurses, I personally did NOT like Anatomy and Physiology.

I got divorced, remarried, had a couple more kids, moved twice.  Somewhere in that time I earned my Associate’s degree in Social-work.  It was probably my biggest accomplishment.   It was me showing the world that I took ME back.

I enrolled right away at Cedar Crest College and became a Psychology major.  I decided that I needed to answer my calling after all and I didn’t care how long it would take.  It took about four years to earn my BA, even starting wit advanced standing.  I was busy with my kids and husband and all the demands of raising a family.  I took 2 classes a time.

I was supposed to graduate last May.  Silly me, decided to save a  required statistic course for last and sillier me, I decided to try taking it online. Yeah…no.  I ended up withdrawing and had to wait until it was offered this spring.

In January of 2015, I started my hypnosis training.  I figured it would be a nice addition to my therapy practice…eventually.  Well, I left Psychology for another major so to speak.  I fell madly in love with hypnosis and decided to change my plans.

I knew I still wanted to get my BA. Seriously, I was 1 class short, why wouldn’t I get it?  Well, today I walked down the aisle, shook the president of the college’s hand, and graduated!

Why did I just share such a personal story? For a couple of reasons really. First of all, I am still pretty excited that I now have completed college! Second, I want to remind everyone to be flexible.  Sometimes things happen for a reason.  I know hypnosis is my true calling but if I didn’t allow my plans to change, I would have never found out.  Sometimes you need to go with the flow. Sure, I was disappointed that I didn’t graduate last year, but withdrawing from that class gave me more time to study hypnosis 🙂  Third, sometimes the reasons you do things change.  Getting my degree was my goal for myself but I also wanted to show my kids that you can do anything! Yes, I had a lot to overcome but I did it! You can too!

Finally, I share this because I want you all to remember that time goes on no matter what. It has been 17 years since I left high school.  I JUST now received my degree.  Guess what? 17 years would have passed no matter what. I could be sitting here with no degree, no certificates, nothing.  The same amount of time would have passed. If you have a goal, go for it! It doesn’t matter if it is going to take you the rest of your life to complete. That time will pass either way, make it count!

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becka bossons hypnotherapist

About Me

Becka believes that true health comes from mind, spirit, and body health. She enjoys learning and developing her own life as she helps others. Becka utilizes hypnosis in a number of ways to help her clients the very best way possible.